Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

My favorite activity is one which allows me to learn new skill while I have fun. My favorite game is Scrap Mechanic. The game is about farming robots that went rogue. I learned new skills on how to play, and I am not far in the game. I still need to get more supplies. There is no ending, it is a game to have fun in. You can build cars . It is hard to build cars because you need a lot of stuff to build cars. There are farmers that you can find . The farmer robots  captured the good farmers and if you bring those farmers to the trader you can free them and then buy stuff. I learned how to play while learning new skills.


joan of arc edeit

Every January New orleans holds a parade call the Krewe de Jeanne d’Arc. The
parade celebrates Joan of Arc, a woman who fought with French troops during the
Hundred Years’ War. Joan was only 17 years old. she was also a woman. Woman
were not aloud to be soldiers, but Joan was speshul She said she herd the voices of
saints. Those voices told her God was commanding her to fight. Joan helped lead the
French to victory but she was captured by the English. They found her guilty of
witchcraft and disobedience to the church. She was burned at the steak in fourteen

mount Rushmore.

have you been to mount Rushmore?  Sixty-foot-tall faces of George Washington,   Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are carved into Mount Rushmore’s stone hill. When sculptor Gutzon Burgum first saw mount Rushmore, he said, America will march along that skyline Borglum began work in 1927 ,but he died before the work was finished.  The work wascompleted by his son, Lincoln October 31,1941